We want communities to thrive, free from the burden of HIV. Through our holistic approach that integrates prevention, care, and psychosocial support, we continue searching for new ways to limit the impact of HIV. Explore our initiatives and innovations from replicable models of care to life-saving interventions tailored to the diverse needs of children living with HIV.
Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program provides support for children and adolescents who are HIV-positive or affected. The program aims to improve their health, education, and economic prospects, and to address the socio-economic factors that contribute to their vulnerability.
The OVC program provides: social support, protection, community linkages, and income-generating start-up kits.
Fountains of Hope promotes awareness about discordance and emphasize on couple counselling, expand home based HIV/AIDS counselling, provide post test referral and support services, organize training of community liaison officers to allow continuity of the service in the community and use mass media approaches to changing social values, norms and behaviours
The major aims and purpose of the Organization is to enhance Community access to appropriate HIV/AIDS Information, Counseling and Support.
In view of the above, our key areas of interested interventions are the design and development of;
Specialized Home Based HIV Counseling and Testing (HBHCT) services. This service runs alongside the ability to provide practical life skills especially geared at empowering young girls to have a better say in their sexual lives (they are 3-6% more at risk in Uganda). HBHCT is intended to provide quality home based HIV/AIDS Counseling and testing to individuals, couples and families. Its activities include educating households and communities about the benefits of home based HIV Counseling and testing, conducting pretest counseling sessions with individuals, couples and children in the home, conducting a rapid HIV test, supporting individuals and couples identify safer goal behaviors and develop risk reduction plan as well as supporting individuals and couples to disclose their sero –status and encourage partner testing.
Training tools and programs for young people below 25 years in a bid to build future capacity earlier and co-opt young people in the development of awareness, advocacy and prevention, intervention strategies.
Psychosocial support and mentoring programs for HIV positive youths, HIV/AIDS may have stolen part of their health but should not be allowed to kill off their youth nor destroy their aspirations, dreams and purpose in life and of those around them.
Support and referral. Referral is an important process to ensure that clients access a full range of care and support services as needed. Fountains of Hope provide appropriate and necessary referrals with the support of networks of people living with HIV/AIDS.
- with support from our partners we are able to provide excellent service and care to the new born babies, pregnant mothers and HIV positive living mothers and children in Refugees Host communities Wes Nile Uganda.