We aim to help the people in the world who are in the greatest need, regardless of race, religion, gender or nationality. If you support our work, that’s what your money will be going towards. We do this by:

  • Identifying the places of greatest poverty
  • Working through local communities, government, civil society organization, partners and local churches, church-based and Christian partners to seek out and help the most marginalized and vulnerable groups in those places.

Most of what we do is about communities taking themselves through a facilitated process to name their own needs, recognize their own strengths, and find their own solutions to poverty. We model this in all communities we work in. It’s effective, long-lasting, far-reaching and transformative.
Since 2019, we have been working in some of the most disadvantaged communities in north west Uganda, Nebbi District. Our community outreach programs have enabled us to work directly with hundreds of children giving them the emotional, physical, educational and spiritual benefits. Over these five years we have seen children and families developed and grow and have experienced positive impacts of our programs.

We continued to support small holder farmers to implement models on seed banking and demonstrating how food security can be attained. As part of our rights to food focus, the growth and development of families and healthy children is fundamental. As such, we recognized that it is important that the families supported have healthy lives and a right to livelihood.

The challenges of malnutrition are the result of many interrelated factors such as poverty, insufficient household food security, inadequate health services, poor maternal and child care practices, and inadequate water and sanitation. For communities with a high prevalence of malnutrition, it may take years or even decades before all of these factors can be addressed. Because today’s malnourished children cannot wait, Fountains of Hope Discipleship Ministries Uganda with partners has taken a move to address the plight of malnourished children in the communities.

We also have the privilege of working alongside many local leaders, training them and equipping them so that they can support our programs. We Have a number of full time community based volunteers living and working in the communities supporting our work.

Fountains of Hope Discipleship Ministries Uganda recognizes education as a key development tool. In 2022 -2024 we continued to work and partner with Plan International Uganda on ending child early and forced marriage (CEFM) Girls Get Equal projects funding from NORAD.

Our Vision for education is that all vulnerable children identified and supported by our program will have free access to quality education through our sponsorship program.

Because we have a long term approach, we are committed to our foreign partners and people we work with, we have seen friendship built, more partnerships forged and lives transformed. In 2024, we intend to deepen our work in developing robust partnership, support more communities and enhance our staff capacity to deliver our programs.

What we believe

We’re passionate about living out God’s kingdom values of love, hope and transformation. It’s what inspires and drives us.

FHDM highly values its partnership with donors. It’s a partnership that goes beyond a simple financial arrangement and builds relationships that shape donor and our thinking, policy and response to development.